145 units of affordable senior housing in a small-lot, amenity rich neighborhood in a Chicago suburb. Evergreen arranged for the purchase of this property by Housing and Human Development Corporation - a non-profit organization specializing in affordable housing development and social services - and also served as turnkey developer for the substantial rehabilitation of the property on HHDC’s behalf.
Evergreen’s Development Division – Affordable Housing
Evergreen’s Development division is one of the most innovative, dedicated, and resourceful real estate developers in the Midwest. The division develops, finances, constructs, and operates high-quality affordable and mixed-income multifamily housing developments in a range of communities, from the heart of Chicago, to smaller suburban communities, to major metropolitan areas beyond Chicago.
Experience, Commitment, and Creativity
Evergreen’s development principals share a combined knowledge of nearly 100 years of experience in the industry through various functions as owner, lawyer, consultant, property manager, educator, architect and urban planner. As the developer, Evergreen takes the lead on the development of projects from site selection through planning and zoning approvals, building design, financing, leasing and property management. Evergreen is a responsible, involved partner in creating new and revitalized affordable housing. We believe our role in the development process is to bring the local vision to life, and to help realize the development process with our expertise in the complex financing and rigorous development schedules required to build many types of affordable housing.
Our project portfolio includes new construction, adaptive reuse of historic structures, and mixed-use properties incorporating both residential and commercial or institutional components. Evergreen regularly partners with local municipal officials and nonprofit organizations to identify the most suitable program for a given site, and to achieve the project’s vision through the creative use of complex public and private financing tools.
Contact David Block, Evergreen’s Director of Development, if you have a site you’d like to discuss with us.